
Bedroom decoration how to choose wooden doors

The decoration of the bedroom greatly affects the quality of our sleep, affecting our daily mood. Bedroom with luxury wooden doors is a good choice, natural and beautiful and practical wooden doors are always let people relax easily. Then what is needed to pay attention to when choosing the bedroom wooden doors?

1.Decoration bedroom doors must be alert to the auxiliary material pollution of wooden doors

Research shows that half of the time every day is spent in the bedroom, the bedroom environment is safe or not directly related to human health. If the bedroom doors contain excessive harmful substances, people stay inside for a long time, breathing harmful gases, health will be affected, which is not conducive to better sleep and rest. The harmful substances of the bedroom wooden doors are not only from the plate, but also from the adhesives and coatings, and so on, some hardware parts will also release harmful heavy metal pollutants.

2.Decoration bedroom doors should be selected according to the specific circumstances

The choice of the bedroom door needs to be based on the specific circumstances of each family, while small space or poor lighting conditions of the bedroom, choose light colored wood doors can make the space look bigger, the visual look more bright. Recommended the relatively simple style, it is not recommended to choose decorative bedroom door with too many miscellaneous, so that it will make the space look more crowded. While the old man and the child's bedroom, try to choose a warm wooden door can make you feel brisk and comfortable, but also conducive to improving the quality of sleep, so the color selection should also pay more attention to. Usually the sound insulation effect also must be taken into account, ordinary wooden doors have certain noise function, but if the requirements is higher, you can choose some professional mute door on the market.

3.Choose the bedroom door which you really need

Only choose their own bedroom wooden doors, will show the best effect. That is to say, the bedroom door is chosen to be consistent with the overall style of decoration, or the beautiful wooden door will also produce a sense of alien.

